
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! 2 Cor. 9:15

“… the boundless riches of Christ…” Eph. 3:8

Heavenly Father, of the 10,000 things for which we’re grateful today, none surpasses the “indescribable gift” of the gospel. You loved us so much you sent Jesus into the world—not primarily as our model to follow, but as our Substitute to trust. On Thanksgiving Day 2017, we proclaim with the greatest joy, “Salvation is of the Lord!” From beginning to end, our relationship with you is entirely a gift of your sovereign might and immeasurable grace. What we could never do for ourselves, Jesus has accomplished for us, once and for all.

We needed forgiveness, and through Jesus’ death on the cross, you’ve forgiven us completely. All of our sins—past, present, and future, are completely forgiven; sins of thought, word, and deed—they’re gone and will never be held against us. Father, we should sing your praises louder than all the angels in heaven.

We needed righteousness—a perfect righteousness, and you gave it to us in Jesus. All of our best efforts and good works, our sincere tears and sacrificial acts, our commitment to do more and sin less… none of it could earn our way out of disgrace into grace. It’s a gift, it’s free, and it’s ours. What a glorious exchange—Jesus got our sin, and we got his righteousness. Father, we should constantly be doing the happy dance of the redeemed.

So just how “boundlessly” rich in Jesus are we? We’ll never experience condemnation for our sin, or separation from your love. We live in your constant delight and unending favor. We have citizenship in heaven and the new earth as our inheritance.

Our suffering has meaning and our sorrows a limit. Our tears will be wiped and our pain will be redeemed. These aging, aching bodies will be resurrected and glorified. Jesus prays for us, and your Spirit prays in us. The crazy of our world isn’t sovereign; you are. Evil won’t prevail; Jesus will. Hallelujah!

Father, what a glorious gospel we have. What a grace-full God you are. What a magnificent Thanksgiving Day this is. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ wonderful and merciful name.
