
In Praise of Jesus’ Commitment to Show Us His Love

Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love. John 13:1 NIV


Lord Jesus, when you stripped and stooped to wash the apostles’ feet, you opened the curtains on the kind of Savior you really are. It wasn’t primarily dirty feet, but sinful hearts you came to wash, yet you do care about every aspect of our lives. There’s not one arena of lives, or chapter in our stories, that’s beyond your interest and engagement. Whatever and wherever, you remain committed to show us the full extent of your love.

When our hearts break with sadness and loss, you come close with compassion and kindness. When we are prone to wander, you are even more prone to pursue us and find us. When we are vexed and angry, you enter our confusion and welcome our passion.

When sin crouches at our doors and temptation rages, you remind us you own the whole house and provide a way of escape. When we fail, you don’t cross your arms with disgust; you show us your cross with joy.

When we are weary and heavy laden, you don’t tell us to buck up and be strong; you bid us come and find rest. When we are indifferent towards you, you remain impassioned towards us. Every care we cast in your direction, you catch. Every burden we offload on you, you shoulder under with gladness.

Though we have no plans to try, we’ll never out sin your grace, out run your reach, or outlast your patience. When you convict us, it’s for our freedom and joy. When you discipline us, you do so with mercy and love, not contempt and shame.

Jesus, you aren’t ashamed to call us yours. Thank you. You love us with the delight of a Bridegroom. Thank you. You’re working in all things for our good. Thank you. You’re coming back, and all will be right. Thank you. So very Amen we pray, in your magnificent and merciful name.
