
I will personally go with you, and I will give you rest.” (Ex. 33:14); “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” (Heb. 13:5); “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.” (Ps. 62:5)


Heavenly Father, to know that you are with us and for us—to know you give us rest right now and eternal unbroken rest forever… what more could we possibly want, crave, or need?

On this mystery-laced, always-graced journey Home, we seem to travel between life-crisis and grace-oasis—from loss of perspective to Gospel-sanity; from “losing it,” to being found by you, again and again. Sometimes all of this happens in the same day.

We are “prone to wander,” but there’s nothing “prone” about you, Father. You don’t have inclinations, just loving determination. You are always seeking, finding, and welcoming us because you never abandon us. You will never fail us.

Sometimes when you seem far away, the distance isn’t a quantity of miles, but quality of fellowship. Father, you are so patient with us. Rescue us when we replace fellowshipping with you, with a dialogue between ourselves and our gripes, resentments, judgments, and comparisons.

You gladly welcome anything we bring to your throne of grace—our confusion, sin, hurt, sadness, our “not-getting-it.” Thank you. A gazillion times, thank you. Thank you for the rest we already have in the Gospel, and for the perpetual rest we will enjoy in the new heaven and new earth. So Very Amen

