
It’s Making Us Hollow and Wearing Us Out

 LORD, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. Ps. 16:5

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Heb. 13:5

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. 1 John 4:18

Heavenly Father, ours is a world of aspiring and acquiring, “What if’s?” and “If only’s”, much noise and constant motion. It’s making us hollow and wearing us out. Help.

We’d love our lives to be marked by less fear and more faith, less motion and more adoration, less second-guessing and more “first love.” Free us, Lord, free us to live by the melody and rhythms of heaven; not in the race to get more, do more, be more, shine more.

It’s easy to see how our driven-ness and busyness are rooted in pride, fear and greed. The pride of having a bigger seat at the table and more honor; the fear of not being included or being needed; the greed of confusing success with power and possessions. Indeed, the elixir of man’s approval in a culture of competition is as destructive as it is deceitful.

By the gospel, change the price tags and treasure in our lives, Father. Show us the difference between greed and need, and the difference between trusting in our status and resting in Jesus. Forgive us for the ways we implicitly encourage burnout and perpetuate a culture of flameout—at work, home, and church.

Forgive us for not being content with what we have, and for not actively seeking to keep ourselves free from the love of riches, recognition, and reputation. May you, alone, be our treasure and inheritance, our identity and security.

By a greater glimpse of your beauty and grasp of your grace, drive out our pride, fears, and greed. By the truth of the gospel and the Spirit’s power, topple the idols of our hearts. Help us to slow down before we rust out. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ glorious and grace-full name.
