
Loving Children, Stewarding Trauma, Trusting Jesus

  “Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.’” Luke 18:15-16


Lord Jesus, compelled by your love for children and filled with competing emotions, we pray for those traumatized by the Covenant School tragedy. Help us channel our growing sadness, waves of anger, and sense of helplessness in service to others. Receive our wordless groans, streaming and yet-to-be-wept tears, and earnest pleas.

We pray for children who have seen and heard things no child should ever experience. By all the means you chose—a direct work of the Holy Spirit, loving parents, family-to-family care, gifted counselors… hold and heal the hearts, minds, and imagination of children. Words fail us, but you won’t, Jesus.

We pray for those seeking to be present and strong in the warzone of so much shock, pain, and confusion. Jesus, help them (us) steward their own grief and trauma, and accept their weakness and limits. Grant parents, pastors, counselors, and friends supernatural help, sufficient grace, and guiltless wisdom to take care of themselves.

We pray for a fresh work of your Spirit and the life-giving power of the Gospel. Jesus, while the devil shouts and whispers, “Where was your trustworthy God on Monday?” … answer for us by saving many, redeeming the unimaginable, and empowering us to live and love to your glory. In this so-hard moment, until the Day of wiped-tears and all things new, Jesus you are with us and for us—alone worthy of our worship and trust.  So Very Amen.
