
Longing for the Day of Perfect Health and Our Resurrection Body

We know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down (that is, when we die and leave this earthly body), we will have a house in heaven,

an eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands. We grow weary in our present bodies, and we long to put on our heavenly bodies like new clothing. 2 Cor. 5:1-2 (NLT)

Heavenly Father, so many of my friends are struggling with health challenges, body aches, and physical maladies. And these things will lead us either to more whining or deeper worship—sometimes both.

First of all, thank you for the gift of lament. If we’re unwilling to grieve our losses, our compassion for others will be noticeably stunted. Understandably, none of us welcome more brokenness and sickness, limitations and pain. But, rather than succumbing to self-pity, denial, or “snake-oil-remedies,” may our weaknesses tune our hearts to trust you, and care for others in their struggles.

Quite honestly, an eternity of perfect health is looking better and better, Father. Our healing will be complete, and never again will we experience sickness and pain in any form. No more cancer or flu, joint replacements or even runny noses; no more addictions or heart disease; no more memory loss or even hiccups.

We’re grateful that Jesus secured, not only the perfection of our spirits, but also the resurrection of our bodies. Even as Jesus was raised from the dead, we too will be raised. We groan now… but we will be whole forever. These “light and momentary troubles” are incredibly inconvenient and bothersome, Father, but our rejoicing will be loud and eternal. Hallelujah!

Until that Day, we’ll seek to take care of ourselves, and trust you for healing and health. May we get to know you better as the “Father of mercies and God of all comfort.” By the power of the gospel, help us be the kind of friends from whom the weak and weary find understanding and encouragement. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ tender and triumphant name.

