
Jesus, We’re Tired of All Hate and Tired of Loving Poorly

  “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples—if you love one another.” John 13:34-35


Lord Jesus, the evil attack Saturday in the Buffalo supermarket breaks our hearts and fuels our disgust. How long, Oh, Lord? How long before the Day when all racism, prejudice, and tribalism will be eradicated? We crave the Day of consummate reconciliation—the Day when supremacy will only be attributed to you.

The United Nations won’t be a building, but a reality. No nation will ever invade another nation again. The only position we’ll jockey for will be falling down on our faces to adore you, then staying low to wash one another’s feet. Finally, and fully, we will love each other the way you love us, Jesus. Honoring one another above ourselves will be our delight, not our discipline. As your every-nation Bride, we won’t tolerate diversity, we will celebrate it forever.

We will never fail or hurt one another again. We’ll never have to apologize, forgive, and reconcile about anything. We won’t try or pretend to be nice; we will be completely like you, Jesus, made perfect in love.

Even among your people, there won’t be any more worship wars or wagging tongues, no more denominational petulance or theological arrogance. Never again will we label one another, only to dismiss and gain power over one another. That this happens in your church must grieve you, Jesus.

Until then, grant us deep grief and observable repentance over the ways we love poorly. Jesus, stun us, humble us, and gladden us with your glory and grace. There is no other way we will change. So Very Amen.


