
Jesus’ Peace Ruling in Our Hearts and Moment

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with you all. 2 Thess. 3:16 (NLT)

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.Col. 3:15 (ESV)

Lord Jesus, there’s no part of our being, chapter in our stories, or place in the universe outside your interest and care. You are Creator and Sustainer, Redeemer and Restorer, Lord and Lover of your people. Today we come to you, as the Prince of Peace, seeking a greater measure of your “shalom” in our hearts, relationships, and circumstances.

Jesus, we bring to you our vocational challenges and need for vacations, our health concerns and heart wounds, our fragile world and unbelieving friends. Jesus, bring glory to yourself in each of these spheres and storylines. Sometimes fear is easier to muster than faith. Take our burdens; give us grace.

We pray for marriages—ours and others. Of course, Satan doesn’t want marriages to thrive, or even survive; because marriage is designed to reveal your great love for your Bride. Free all of us from the silly notion that the right human partner could “fill us up”. Forgive us and free us, O Lord. Bring ongoing repentance, refreshment, and renewal to marriages.

Jesus, we continue to pray for our children—made for wonder, but prone to wander. At times, nothing gives us greater delight than our kids; at other times, nothing brings us greater frustration, heartache… and dependence upon you (a good thing). Whether they’re 4 or 40, free us to parent as our Abba Father parents us. Never let us forget that our kids are your inheritance, not our validation.

Lastly, on this March Wednesday, we pray for our hearts—already new by the gospel, but still tempt-able and seduce-able; capable of great nobility, and great insanity. Compel us with your love, gentle us with your peace, and transform us with your grace. Jesus, keep us thirsty for you, humble before you, and satisfied in you. So very Amen we pray, in your all beautiful and all grace-full name.

