
Jesus Doesn’t “Try” to Save, He Actually Saves People

  “When the Magi saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy”. Matt. 2:10


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Lord Jesus, it makes no difference if they were astrologers, wise guys, magicians, or kings. Their number—3, 5, or 7, is just as irrelevant as their arrival date—within hours, days, months, or years of your first breath in our world. The Magi came to you because you are an irresistible grace-magnet. You are the Savior who allures, draws, and seeks; then finds, saves, and treasures us. Thank you for being the author, object, and completer of our faith (Heb. 12:2).

You are saving a Bride for yourself as numerous as the stars, sand, and dust—a number so big it’s impossible to count (Rev.7:9-10, Heb.11:12, Gen.13:16). You are doing so by the ordinary means of grace and the sovereign work of your Spirit, by friend-to-friend evangelism and angelic visitation, by churches being planted and creation declaring your glory. This is the meaning of history, the heartbeat of heaven, and is happening not-stop “far as the curse is found.”

Indeed, you are more active in raising Lazarus’s and Lazarette’s from spiritual death than we realize, believe, and trust. We are awesome at fearing and worrying, while you are active and joyful at saving. Our humble, grateful ask is simply this: Jesus, by whatever means you choose—bring our family members and friends to a saving knowledge of yourself.

We have friends who are so religious but so lost. Others who are so shamed and so certain you could never love them. Others who are cynical, angry, and are bent on destroying any reference to you—just like Saul of Tarsus was before you made him Paul the Apostle. Give us great joy in loving whoever is in front of us, Jesus. We’ll leave the saving to you. So Very Amen.

