
In Whatever Abode, Let’s Abide in God’s Love

We know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in them.” 1 John 4:19

Heavenly Father, this is the perfect perspective-setting Scripture for this week. First of all, if we can’t think of anything else for which to be thankful, knowing you love us should keep us in a state of perpetual gratitude. This isn’t cliché, it’s oxygen.

Through the finished work of Jesus, all of our sins are forgiven, all judgment is exhausted, and our permanent address is your unwavering affection and favor. Hallelujah!

More so than our street and house number, our favorite hotel room in the world, most visited vacation spot, comfy cabin-in-the-mountains, or condo by-the-sea—our most defining address is your lavish, extravagant, inexhaustible love for us.

So, wherever our travels take us this week, and whoever does or does not enter our “abode,” free us to abide in your love. Some of us are more certain about heaven than how this week is going to play out relationally. Relying on your love… help us, Father.

Some of us will have our first Thanksgiving on this side of burying a loved one. Some of us will be in scenarios of awkward tension, others will be painfully alone. Some of us will have guests we wish were visiting elsewhere, others will feel the sadness of who isn’t sitting at our table.

Father, whatever our situation, may your love be our greatest feast, abiding peace, and deepest joy. So very Amen, in Jesus’ grace-full name.

