
Heavy Hearts, “Full Plates,” and Our Gentle Savior


Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your soulsMatt. 11:28-29 (ESV)

He will not crush the weakest reed or put out a flickering candle. Isa. 43:2 (NLT)

Lord Jesus, we’re thankful you preside at a throne of grace—perpetually, joyfully, and with so much burden-bearing love. When we feel like “weak reeds” or “flickering candles,” you don’t judge us, you welcome us. You don’t roll your eyes with disgust, you open your arms with delight. You promise us a rest you alone can give. Thank you.

We bring you our heavy hearts about our divided nation, real stories of all kinds of abuse, and a meanness in our culture that has us reeling. We’ve never longed more intensely for the fullness of your kingdom.

We bring you the exhaustion we feel from having longer “to do” lists than there are hours in the day. We cast our health, financial, and vocational cares on you, Lord.

Sometimes the sheer demanding-ness of life makes us want to get a one-way ticket to a faraway place. We have more full plates to spin than we have arms. Jesus, help us discern between critical matters, and back-burner issues.

We bring you the weariness that comes from seeking to love others as you love us. No aspect of our lives is more delightful, and yet more depleting, than our relationships. As parents and spouses, children and friends, co-workers and neighbors, grant us grace, wisdom, and strength, Lord Jesus.

Give us thick skin and big hearts for loving well. And grant us the gift of good, deep, restorative sleep. Help us rely more on you, and less on sugar or caffeine, driven-ness and control. We trust you for all the grace, friends, and strength we will need, for the days and demands in front of us. Free us to be weak and hopeful, at the same time. So very Amen we pray, in your kind and trust-worthy name.
