
Grace for Our Thorns, Burrs, Punches, Regrets, and Arrows

Each time he (Abba) said, ‘My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.’ So now I am glad to boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me” (2 Cor. 12:9).


Heavenly Father, make this liberating truth more real than ever. You gave Paul “sufficient grace” for his “thorn in the flesh”—though he wanted a “thorn-free” life. But you haven’t promised us that this side of heaven. However, you have promised us we will never experience a “grace-less” day. Thank you, Abba.

For our thorns in the flesh: Grant us grace to accept the inconvenient, limiting, painful things going on in our bodies. Free us to “boast in our weaknesses”—not just bemoan them. Release the aroma of grace from our broken places.

For our burrs in the saddle: Father, some of us are dealing with aggravating people and circumstances. Irritation comes easy, but we prefer to be patient, kind, and trusting. Grant us struggle-shaped grace.

For our punches to the gut:  Some of us are reeling from fresh disappointments, betrayals, and un-resolved “situations.” Help us catch our breath, gain Gospel-perspective, and move forward in hope. You are at work in all things for our good. Thank you, Abba.

For our regrets in the past: Father, some of us are quite haunted, shamed, and shaped by past failures. Please free us. Re-convince our fragile hearts that Jesus is our perfect righteousness, not our disgruntled coach.

For our arrows to the heart: Nothing hurts as much as relational pain. Father, grant grace for our messiest, triggerable, complex relationships. Teach us how to abide in Jesus’ love while we live in broken stories. We are SO ready for the Day of all things new, beautiful, and loving. So Very Amen.


