
“Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Eph. 5:20


  Heavenly Father, this is totally true: The discipline of giving thanks leads to feelings of gratitude—not the other way around. When I’m mopey, spiritually flat, “humbug” or drifting (racing) into a navel-gazing pity-party… nothing rescues me out of that downward spiral more than thanks-giving. Early June, my list includes: 

   Thank you for granting us 100% forgiveness, declaring us righteous in Christ, and hiding our lives in Jesus. You cannot love us more and you’ll never love us less. That’s not a cliché, mantra, or mere gospel-speak: It’s the best news ever and forever. 

   Father, thank you for flourless chocolate cake, Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries and homemade granola mixed together. Thank you for sovereignly ruling over all things all the time, no exceptions. Thank you for the guitar playing of Phil Keaggy, Jeff Beck, and Pat Metheny. Thank you for guaranteeing Alzheimer’s, cancer, mental/emotional illness, meanness, and war all have expiration dates.

Thank you for friends with whom I can fly fish, marinate in the Gospel, hike trails, laugh, and repent. Thank you for the colors blue and green. Thank you for 51 years of grace-kissed marriage with Darlene, two awesome kids (and their awesome spouses), and 4 spectacular “grands.” Thank you that all of history is shaped by your commitment to redeem your every-nation, impossible-to-count family. Thank you that one Day, Jesus will finish making all things new.

Thank you for upcoming trips in the next several months to Alaska, Montana, Ireland, and Scotland, and a new camera to document it. Thank you for Jesus’ empty tomb and occupied throne. Thank you “it’s” not going to always hurt this bad, no matter our “it.” Father, thank you that we’re almost Home. So Very Amen
