
Forgiveness Is Better Than Sin-Amnesia

     Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord,

Hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.  If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you. Psalm 130:1-3

“I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.” Isa. 43:25

Heavenly Father, even here in Switzerland, it’s hard to escape the disruptive hubbub, commitment to exposure, and partisan gamesmanship going on in the process of choosing the next member of the American Supreme Court. Personal politics aside, this process is making more thankful than ever for the good news of the gospel.

I keep thinking to myself, “What if every thought, every word, every choice I’ve made, over the course of my entire life, was put before the world to know, hear, and see?” As scary as that is, your perfect standard of judgment is far greater than any standard of mere man’s making.

I can’t even go there. Where I can go—actually run this morning, is to your throne of grace, the safe harbor of your mercies, and the gift of Jesus’ righteousness.

Father, if you kept a record of my sins, not only could I not stand in the court of man’s approval; most importantly, I couldn’t stand before you—my sovereign and judge. But… Hallelujah… you have given Jesus the judgment I deserve, and have given me the righteousness Jesus has earned. It’s not that you now have amnesia; it’s that you have declared me righteous in Christ.

Now, I not only stand before you; I dance before you. I’m not mute with fear; I shout with joy. I don’t make any promises to do better; I rest in your promise to make me like Jesus. You have blotted out my transgressions and you will never, ever remember my sins against me, or any of your children. The gospel is this good, this necessary, and this true. So very Amen I pray with awe, in Jesus’ beautiful and trustworthy name.

