
When Feelin’ a Bit Listless, “Blah-ish,” and Tired

Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. 

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Isa. 40:30-31

Heavenly Father, nothing major is sucking my joy—no foreseeable crises in front of me, or fresh disappointment in my rearview mirror. Schools of people-Piranha aren’t nibbling on my heart. I’m blessed, and should be 100 time more inclined to worship than whine. I’m just feeling a bit tired and “blah-ish” as this Thursday begins.

So, this Scripture comforts me on many levels. First of all, I’m glad to be reminded that even youths get faint and weary, and young men get exhausted. I’m well beyond my “young man” stage. Thank you for the freedom to accept our limitations and humanity—a freedom we need to access more regularly. None of us has limitless energy and resources. Some days our brokenness and weakness are more real to us than other days.

But more importantly, Father, I’m thankful for what this passage reminds us about you. You are tireless in your care, everlasting in your mercies, and generous with your grace. You anticipate our weakness and meet us right there. When we get worn-out, you don’t roll your eyes and call us “couch potatoes,” “slackers” or “soft.” Rather, you call us beloved children—daughters and sons you cherish.

Father, thank you for promising to renew our strength. Thank you for calling us to wait on you, and not simply get up and get busy. I will quiet myself before you today, and trust you to refresh my heart and replenish my resources. Do the same for my praying friends.

With the gospel at our core, we don’t feel condemnation or guilt; just the need for centered, trusting, quiet hearts—something you’re pleased to give. Thank you, Father. So very Amen I pray, in Jesus’ kind and powerful name.

