
  “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night-to-night reveals knowledge.” Ps. 19:1-2

Heavenly Father, thank you for your gracious commitment to reveal yourself—to be known, loved, and enjoyed. You have so much to teach us, but it’s far more about relationship with you, than simply knowledge from you.

It’s never been your intent to merely have educated, ethical followers. Rather, it’s your eternal joy to have beloved, enthralled daughters and sons. By the Gospel, your Word, and creation, you have made this patently and passionately clear. Thank you, Father.

This weekend has been a reminder of both who you are, and also what I need the most. Continue to Slow. Me. Down. I am humbled and honored you called me to help others know you—to preach the riches of your grace in the Gospel; and proclaim the truth, goodness, and beauty of Jesus. Who am I, to do so? Who is sufficient for such a calling?

But I am not (just like none of your children is) a means to an end. None of us is the point, but we all matter. You don’t need us, but you greatly love us. Thank you, Father.

All it took was the bright blue eyes and grin of my one-year-old granddaughter; a bit of fishing with delight-filled grandsons; and the kaleidoscopic colors of Fall leaves to re-center my heart. I teach these precious things, but I want to enjoy them—to enjoy you, more fully until you take me Home. Hallelujah, and Amen in Jesus’ name.
