
I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do itJohn 14:14

     Lord Jesus, this is an astonishing promise. But I know you and the Scriptures well enough not to treat you like a computer waiting to be programmed, or a vending machine compliantly responding to our selections.

Indeed, you’re not a private Genie giving us three wishes. You’re our sovereign Master, numbering our days, hairs, and tears. Hallelujah, major Hallelujah.

That being said, you do delight in us asking and our trusting you for things beyond our control—things that bring you and the Father glory. Here’s what I’m asking of you on this Sunday in July.

Jesus, I don’t ask for condos, cars and cash; or acclaim, appreciation, and applause. I ask you to astonish my heart, all over again, with your beauty, love, and grace. Cause my knees to buckle with wonder, my feet to dance with delight, and my heart to beat with joy. I’d love to live in a state of perpetual first-love affection for you—now until heaven (Rev. 2:4).

I also ask you to vanish this virus, bring civility to our country, and revival to your church. However, more than anything, I long for you to return to finish making all things new. How long, Oh Lord?

Knowing my heart, some of this craving is purely selfish, Jesus. I know the Scriptures teach you’ve yet to return because of the mercy that resides in the heart of the entire Trinity. So I pray, with joy, for the salvation of your cannot-be-numbered, every-race, much-beloved Bride (2 Peter 3:9). So very Amen I pray, in your holy, joyful, sovereign name.
