
Are We Under-Dressed?

“The kindness of God leads you to repentance…” (Rom. 2:4); “When the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us…” (Tit. 3:4); “Clothe yourselves with… kindness” (Col. 3:12).

Heavenly Father, there’s so much “kindness” contained in this tapestry of Scriptures. It was your kindness (not harshness) that convinced us of our need of Jesus. Free-grace salvation came to us as a kindness-epiphany—raising us, like Lazarus, from the darkness of our sin-tomb. Thank you!

On this June Monday, some of us are in vacation-mode, more of us are in vocation-mode. All of us dress context appropriate. But our most important and eternal context is “in-Christ,” and until we’ve clothed ourselves with kindness, we are “under-dressed.”

Though our culture is getting more cancel-happy, hubris-soaked, and harshness-fluent, that’s not who you call us to be. All week may our hearts beat with gratitude for your kindness, our attitudes give off the aroma of your kindness, and our words be spoken with the power of your kindness.

In our stickiest conflicts and most difficult relationships, in our theological differences and opposing perspectives, there’s always a kinder way forward. Indeed, whether on vacation or in vocation—we choose kindness over rightness, serving over winning; and exercising our repenting, more than exercising our authority.

Compel us to love others as Jesus loves us, Father. Help us think, feel, speak, and act in line with the truth of the Gospel. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ tender and loving name.

