
Always Coming to Jesus

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matt. 11:28

Lord Jesus, no one knows and cares about our weariness, heartaches, and burdens more than you. You beckon us—better, you pursue us when we’re tempted to deny or pretend; withdraw into busyness, or disappear into hopelessness.

But, since the Gospel is true, we don’t have to feign sufficiency, medicate foolishly, or blame relentlessly. Thank you for both your invitation and provision. With hearts open and palms up, we trust you for the rest you alone can give.

Rest from fear-fatigue and worry-mulling.

Rest from taking on more than you’ve given us.

Rest from the lies and accusations on the enemy.

Rest from the idolatry of capability.

Rest from vain regrets, false guilt, and real shame.

Rest from the uncertainties of our future.

Rest from, like Martha, choosing irritation over adoration.

Rest from focusing more on what we don’t get from people, than what we do have in you. Jesus, you are our perfect righteousness and deepest peace, our loving Spouse and reigning King. Thank you for loving us fiercely, tenaciously, and all the way Home. So very Amen we pray, in your mighty and merciful name.
