
Advent Is Pregnant with Jesus’ Two Comings

  “The prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow… even angels long to look into these things.” 1 Pet. 1:10-12


Lord Jesus, it’s the first Sunday of Advent 2022—my favorite season of the year.  Lingering in the promises of the Gospel, worshipping you with songs of intense craving, pondering the wonders of your two comings… we are so ready for a heart-centering, hope-igniting Advent.

The prophets and angels certainly felt the same way. I love how Peter described their “intense search,” “great care,” and “longing looks,” with regard to your coming(s). The question for them wasn’t if God would be faithful to his promises, but when he would be so. Though they didn’t know your name, they knew your comings would be costly, glorious, and worth the wait.

Jesus, may we never forget. You came to save us from our sins—not to make our lives easy, or to usher in our idea of utopia. The prophets spoke of “the grace that was to come,” not about the country that would win. Grace is for sinners, and (Hallelujah!) you. Jesus. are the friend of sinners.

During Advent 2022, take us by the hand and heart, Jesus, and fill us with the wonders of your love and the glories of your righteousness. Re-convince us that you are currently ruling the world with your truth and grace, and that you will return to fill the earth with your glory at the perfect, eternally-established moment. So Very Amen.

