
24 Hours after Palm Sunday

“Now my soul is deeply troubled.

Should I pray, ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But this is the very reason I came! Father, bring glory to your name. John 12:27 (NLT)

Lord Jesus, as the events of “Easter Week” began to unfold, exuberant “Hosannas!” gave way to deep troubling in your soul. There was zero hesitation, but profound consternation. No surprises awaited you, just an overwhelming assignment—a plan you embraced before the world began (Eph. 1:3-14).

Within days, you would take the judgment we deserve to give us the grace we could never earn. On the cross, you took our sin, and gave us your righteousness (2 Cor. 5:21)—the most glorious exchange ever made. Your “bruised heel” (Gen. 3:15) crushed Satan’s head—securing his defeat, evil’s eradication, and death’s death.

By your cross, you guaranteed the salvation of God’s gigantic beloved family. Children of grace—redeemed from every nation, tribe, people, and language. Daughters and sons of mercy—as numerous as the stars in the sky, sand on beaches, and dust of the earth (Gen. 12-17).

It was for this purpose you came from eternity into time and space—not to be our exemplary model, but our perfect substitute. For this reason, you emptied yourself of your glory by taking the form of a servant—the Lord’s Servant and our Savior (Isa. 52:13-53:12; Phil. 2:5-11).

The day after Palm Sunday, your heart was greatly overwhelmed, but a greater joy compelled you (Heb. 12:2). We praise, bless, and adore you, Jesus. The Gospel is true, glorious, and enough.

In our pandemic-slowed pace, may this be a week of surveying the wonders of your cross, and being undone by the greatness of your love. So very Amen we pray, in your holy and grace-full name.
