On Andy Naselli’s recommendation I recently bought the DVD No Greater Love, and my wife and I watched it this weekend. It’s an explicitly Christian film, and it’s well done. It may not be perfect, but I think it represents a significant advance in Christian filmmaking, with a compelling story, good acting, and very good production values. A few of the minor characters came across as cheesy Christians—but hey, even that’s true to life!
Sometimes those of us who have an interest in Christianity and art have a built-in bias against the Christian message being explicit. I’m not sure exactly why that is. But I rejoiced as I watched this compelling story to see a film where respect is shown for the gospel, the authority of God’s Word, the sanctity of marriage, and the love of a covenant community of Christians.
You can watch the first 30 minutes of the film online for free. You can watch the trailer online, too, but I wouldn’t recommend it, as it gives away much of the story. We found it more enjoyable to watch it not knowing the plot.
Again, it’s worth watching and spreading the word about this film. I can see small groups and couples having great discussions as a result.