
In 1990, Robertson McQuilkin resigned the presidency of Columbia Bible College and its graduate school in order to care fulltime for his wife Muriel, who was suffering from Alzheimer’s. Here is an audio recording of what he told the school:


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Muriel McQuilkin went to be with the Lord on September 19, 2003. She was 81.

In a letter to his friends, Robertson McQuilkin wrote:

For 55 years Muriel was flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone. So it’s like a ripping of my flesh and deeper—my very bones.

But there is also profound gratitude. For ten years I’ve delighted in recalling happy memories. I still do. No regrets. I’m grateful.

Stan Gundrie interviewed Robertson McQuilkin here.

In 2005, Robertson McQuilkin married Deborah Jones. He died on June 2, 2016, at the age of 88. He was faithful to the end.

