
Seven points from Ray Ortlund. Read the post to see the scriptural backing for each point.

  1. We can rejoice in one another, because the Lord rejoices in us.
  2. We can create an environment of trust rather than negative scrutiny.
  3. We can judge ourselves, even as we give each other the benefit of the doubt.
  4. If a problem must be addressed, we can talk to, not about. Gossip destroys.
  5. If a problem must be addressed, we can avoid blanket statements but identify factual specifics, offer a positive path forward and preserve everyone’s dignity. “You are ___________” is too absolute to be fair. It leaves a person with no freedom to improve. Better to say, “In this situation, when you _____________, that set us back. It would be helpful if, in the future, you would ______________. What do you think? And is there anything I can do that might help?”
  6. We can always extend kindness.
  7. When we do wrong one another, we can say to the person harmed, “I was wrong. I am sorry. It won’t happen again. Is there anything I could do now that might make a positive difference?”
