
If you’re reading this post, you’ve discovered that Between Two Worlds has a new home, here at The Gospel Coalition. So let me say just a few things about that.


On the technical / design side of things, I’m grateful to my friends Matthew Taylor (Taylor Design Works) and Joshua Sowin (Rainsong Media) for putting this blog together. I’ve long wanted Matthew to do design work on my blog, and this gave us an opportunity to work together. And Josh (formerly the Website Manager at Desiring God) has done a wonderful job of making everything actually functional.

The Gospel Coalition

I’m also thankful for TGC Executive Director Ben Peays and Executive Editor Mike Pohlman. These guys, in addition to both being PhD candidates, are working fulltime to make The Gospel Coalition website a clearinghouse for gospel-centered resources to serve the church.

I deeply resonate with TGC’s vision, as seen in their foundational documents: The Gospel for All of Life, Confessional Statement, and Vision for Ministry. It’s an honor for me to have Between Two Worlds seen under that doctrinal umbrella and ministry vision. Don Carson and Tim Keller–along with the rest of the members of the Council–are fathers and brothers in the Lord to me, and it’s a real privilege to partner with them.

I’m also excited about their plans and dreams for the TGC website. I’m just the first blogger to be added to their lineup; there will be more to come. And starting today TGC has its own blog, run by Mike. One of the distinctives of the TGC blog is that it will work against the implied premise of blog architecture, namely, that “the newer is the truer / the latest is the greatest.” So I think we’ll be seeing some of the “best of the web”–not just from today, but also from the recent past.

The Old Site and the New Site

We’re still working out the kinks with regard to the old site and this one. The goal is to have all the old posts archived here (though there’s a glitch that Blogger currently allows only 5,000 posts to be imported). So as of right now the posts from 2004-2005 aren’t on the site. But everything else should be.


If you’ve previously been subscribed to BTW, you’ll have to resubscribe for this site. There are some different options (which you can view in the right-hand column):

You can also follow the posts on Twitter (and soon on my Facebook page).I’d encourage you to subscribe one way or the other, and to update any bookmarks you might have. If you have a blog and have linked to mine on your blogroll, changing to the new address would be much appreciated, too. I know it’s one of those pesky things to do and it’s easy to procrastinate. But your help on this would be appreciated.

Comment Policy, Full Disclosures, Advertising, Etc.

I’ve added a little About page that tries to cover a few details. (For example, I’m not an employee of, or paid for blogging by, TGC.) I’ve also included a word on commenting, contact information, and what ministries should do if they want to advertise on my blog.

Final Thanks

Finally, just a quick but sincere word of thanks to you, the readers of this blog. I started this blog five years ago this month. I’m not sure how many posts I’ve written, but I think it’s at least 7,000.  I’m thankful for the encouragement many of you have offered, and I’m grateful to God if he’s used it in any way to inform you and strengthen your faith. I hope Between Two Worlds, here at its now home at The Gospel Coalition, will serve you in the days ahead.
