Editors’ note: 

On average, we publish around 150 book reviews a year at The Gospel Coalition. Ecclesiastes 12:12 rings true: “Of making many books there is no end.” It’s impossible to read, let alone review, each one. But in addition to our steady line of reviews, we want to highlight other books you should know about. This is our monthly installment of brief book notices from Fred Zaspel. You can check out more book notices, reviews, author interviews, and book summaries at Books At a Glance.

Becoming Mr. Right: A Young Man’s Guide to God-Honoring Relationships

Michael Daniels

Focus Publishing, 2017

151 pages

“Before looking for the right woman, it’s crucial to focus on becoming the right man.” This quote pretty well sums up this book and Daniels’s intentions in writing it. I’m not sure I’ve seen another book quite so focused. It’s well-conceived, practical, wise, biblically informed, and contains well-applied counsel. An excellent read for any young man (and old ones too, for that matter).


The Beauty and Glory of the Christian Worldview

Joel Beeke (ed.)

Reformation Heritage Books, 2017

144 pages

This isn’t your typical book on worldview, but it may be one of the most enjoyable. It’s not apologetics; it’s simply an application of the Christian worldview to various aspects of life. The Christian “lenses” through which we view the world shape (or at least ought to shape) the way we understand everything from God to human suffering to Christian mission to human sexuality. Beeke has pulled together an excellent team of expositors to put the Christian worldview on attractive display.


The Disciple-Making Parent: A Comprehensive Guidebook for Raising Your Children to Love and Follow Jesus Christ

Chap Bettis

Diamond Hill Publishing, 2016

308 pages

I first came across this book at TGC17, and my first thought was, Yet another parenting book. Books on parenting abound, but I’ve not seen one like this. From beginning to end the focus is on making our children disciples of Jesus Christ. It’s biblically and theologically well-informed, with specific suggestions for intentional parenting toward the only worthy goal. Every Christian parent would do well to read and follow.


Asking the Right Questions: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Applying the Bible

Matthew Harmon

Crossway, 2017

144 pages

Over the years there have been many “how to understand the Bible” kinds of books—many good ones, some better than others. This new book from Matthew Harmon is now at the top of my list—the first book I’ll offer a Christian who wants help reading his Bible more profitably. Harmon focuses on God’s purpose in giving us the Scriptures, and he guides the reader accordingly.



The Triune God

Fred Sanders

Zondervan, 2017

256 pages

Fred Sanders has proven to be an outstanding guide to understanding the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, and this is his latest contribution. He focuses on the revelation of the Trinity in the outworking of God’s redemptive purpose. He has a wonderful knack for explaining theological concepts simply. This book is another helpful contribution from a reliable guide; perhaps an extended exegetical treatment of the biblical material will be next?


Understanding the Holy Temple of the Old Testament: From the Tabernacle to Solomon’s Temple and Beyond

Leen and Kathleen Ritmeyer

Carta Jerusalem, 2017

48 pages

This is a brief, simple, yet well-informed introduction to the Old Testament tabernacle-temple theme and history. It traces the beginning of temple imagery in the Garden of Eden through to the intertestamental times, explains and illustrates its constructions, and surveys the service of the priests and the significance of the various holy days. A well-illustrated historical survey (a good coffee-table book!) and an excellent biblical survey of this major Old Testament institution.


Visit www.BooksAtaGlance.com, where you can access a plethora of quality Christian book reviews, book notices, book summaries, and author interviews.

