Editors’ note: 

On average, we publish around 150 book reviews a year at The Gospel Coalition. Ecclesiastes 12:12 rings true: “Of making many books there is no end.” It’s impossible to read, let alone review, each one. But in addition to our steady line of reviews, we want to highlight other books you should know about. This is our monthly installment of brief book notices from Fred Zaspel. You can check out more book notices, reviews, author interviews, and book summaries at Books At a Glance.

Christ from Beginning to End: How the Full Story of Scripture Reveals the Full Glory of Christ

Stephen Wellum & Trent Hunter

Zondervan, 2018

The importance of understanding the Bible as a story—specifically, a gospel-shaped story about Jesus—can scarcely be overstated. In fact, Jesus himself said that if we miss this we miss the whole point. Few people have worked more to address this matter than Steve Wellum, and here he teams up with former student and now pastor Trent Hunter to tell the big picture of the biblical story. Christian readers of all levels will find this easily accessible book a fascinating guide to God’s unfolding story. What a wonderful series of sermons or Sunday school lessons this book could foster!


The City of God and the Goal of Creation: An Introduction to the Biblical Theology of the City of God

(Short Studies in Biblical Theology)

Desmond Alexander

Crossway, 2018

Crossway’s new Short Studies in Biblical Theology series is a great idea that needed to happen, and this is the latest installment. Alexander tracks the developing theme of the city of God from Eden to the New Jerusalem—all while keeping an eye on the rival city of Babylon—to tell the whole Bible story. An excellent study from a well-known biblical theologian.


Death and the Afterlife: Biblical Perspectives on Ultimate Questions

(New Studies in Biblical Theology)

Paul Williamson

IVP Academic, 2018

Paul Williamson surveys the biblical teaching on this most important question in his new book, the latest volume in the popular New Studies in Biblical Theology series (edited by D. A. Carson). Taking up the subjects of the human constitution, the nature of death, the intermediate state (of continued conscious existence after death), resurrection, judgment, hell, and the final state of the redeemed (“heaven”), Williamson’s answers reflect the historic teaching of the church. But they also engage contemporary objections and dialogue partners. He examines all the relevant major passages and scours up related teachings in lesser-known passages. An excellent resource on the subject.


Media, Journalism, and Communication: A Student’s Guide

(Reclaiming the Christian Intellectual Tradition)

Read Mercer Schuchardt

Crossway, 2018

I am no kind of authority on this subject—I picked up this book out of mere curiosity. As I began reading I immediately found it fascinating and informative, and I quickly realized I had been missing out on a topic of great importance. The world of communication affects you more than you’re aware, and some degree of informed discernment is needed. This series from Crossway has been consistently excellent, and this latest volume is a valuable addition.


How Can I Overcome Lust?

Ryan McGraw

Reformation Heritage Books, 2018

A much-needed little booklet (32 pages) on an increasingly serious contemporary problem. With the continued bombardment of print and digital nudity and sensual advertising we can scarcely distinguish anymore the difference between God-given sexual desire (which is inherently good) and the sin of lust. McGraw makes the distinction for us, and then he makes good use of John Owen’s famous counsel on mortifying sin and applies it well to the destructive sin of lust.

