
One other positive contribution of the New Perspective is in its emphasis on Christ as Lord. This is nothing new. The early Christians believed this. The Reformers did too. But the New Perspective is bringing back into view an aspect of the gospel message that we have too often relegated to matters of “discipleship.” You trust Jesus as Savior in order to be saved. “Jesus as Lord” is the fine print that comes later. 

3. The lordship of Jesus needs to be reclaimed and preached as central to the gospel.

For too long now, evangelicals have made salvation about trusting a personal Savior, often at the expense of submitting to the world’s true Lord. Yet, everywhere we turn in the New Testament, we are confronted with the gospel announcement that Jesus has been raised from the dead and is the Lord of the world. Whereas we evangelicals emphasize the cross and neglect the Resurrection, the New Testament authors hold them both together (and most of the time place greater emphasis on the Resurrection).

To give us some credit, most evangelical tracts do mention the confession of Jesus as Lord. We have a catchphrase that says “personal Lord and Savior.” We can be thankful for at least the mention of Jesus’ lordship in our witnessing.

But “Jesus is Lord” in Scripture refers not only to Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, but also to his identity as King of all the universe. Jesus is Lord over all.

I know, I know… “Jesus is Lord” sounds so impersonal. We seem to prefer an inward, private religious piety that is careful not to upset anything in the real world. “Jesus is mine” sounds so sweet and non-threatening. The New Testament, however, paints a very different picture. Jesus Christ overturns the tables of our lives, and once he’s gotten hold of us and gotten hold of our churches – he turns over the tables in society. It seems the early Christians were attacked because they were “turning the world upside down.”

The Christian gospel isn’t primarily about us – it’s about Him and His Lordship! Paul says you must “confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead” in order to be saved – to be included among the people of God.

N.T. Wright is constantly writing about how we as Christians can make the royal announcement of King Jesus to the world around us. I am thankful for this impetus. Of course, this is not merely a NPP doctrine. (You’ll find this in all the great Christian traditions.) But we can be thankful for Wright’s prodding us (“shoving” might be a better word) in the right direction.

Only a strong commitment to Jesus’ lordship will embolden evangelicals to fight for justice, equality, and cultural transformation.

Only a strong commitment to Jesus’ lorship will rescue us from the myopic individualism that leaves little room for the Church in God’s plan for Christians.

Only a strong commitment to Jesus’ lordship will bring down the idols that once ruled our lives and in whom we once put our trust.

For too long, we have preached a gospel that, for many, gains us a ticket to heaven while leaving our personal lives and habits on earth intact. We need a radical salvation that transforms us inside and out.

We are justified by faith alone on account of Christ alone for good works prepared for us from all eternity. We are justified in order to be the kingdom people that worship Jesus Christ as king.

written by Trevin Wax  © 2008 Kingdom People blog
