In our divisive culture, even a casual comment can set people at odds. That’s why I gravitate more and more toward opportunities to focus on commonalities and shared beliefs—particularly in the body of Christ. 

But in his recent article about views of communion, Jared Kennedy reminded me that sometimes there’s value in remembering our differences within the church—and how our church fathers navigated them.

Kennedy tells the backstory of a 1529 meeting at Marburg castle where a group of reformers met to debate the finer points of communion. In the article linked below, you’ll find a helpful table outlining the principal players and their views. It’s a resource I’ll come back to for help articulating my own convictions and understanding those of other believers.

The article is a good reminder that we can debate our dearly held doctrines, hold firmly to our convictions, and still live at peace with other believers. “At the end of the debate,” Kennedy writes, “Luther and Zwingli finally wept together and asked forgiveness for the harsh words they’d spoken.” 

The example of these church fathers shows that our differences are worthy of debate. As Kennedy explains, “our thoughtful conversations testify to the Supper’s importance.” But like the reformers, may we not forget that the way we carry out these conversations testifies to our Savior—“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).


Editor’s Pick

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Chalk on the Table: The Story Behind Our Different Views of Communion
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