
“Too-Much-Ness,” Tenderness, and Team-Love

  Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Gal. 6:2


Compassionate Jesus, the call to shoulder up under one another’s burdens drives us to you today. Everywhere we look, we witness fresh stories of pain, need, and brokenness. Though we can easily look away, run away, or deny away, we choose to come to you.

Every day you beckon us, “Cast your cares, anxieties, and burdens on me, for I care for you” (1 Pet. 5:7). In every season of stress, “too-much-ness,” and trauma, you subpoena us to your loving heart and broad shoulders, saying, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). Thank you, Lord Jesus. Help us. Free us.

This morning, I’m especially thinking of teams, staffs, and groups of leaders called to serve and love together. In recent weeks I’ve watched “too-much-ness” forge tenderness and team-love. But I’ve also watched it fuel fear, isolation, detachment, and poor choices.

The way of the Gospel is never “every man and woman for themselves.” It’s you for each of us and all of us; and then, and only then, it’s us for one another. Jesus, this compels me to pray for leaders, our teams, and team-members. Help we who lead, to lead with self-awareness, grace-receiving humility, and tenderness towards others. Our first calling is to be with you, Jesus, not to do stuff for you.

For our teams, Jesus help us cultivate a Gospel-culture—a work-space and environment of mutual encouragement and burden-bearing love. The best team-work always flows from team-love, team-nourishment, and team-care. Lastly, as the good shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine for the one lamb “missing-in-action,” give us kindness and wisdom for our team members who are struggling the most. Thank you, Jesus, and … So Very Amen.



