If you can hold back tears, I’ll be surprised.

I’ve known the story for months. I’ve edited the podcast transcript. I already know how the story ends.

And I still tear up.

I can’t wait for you to hear what God has done through the church in an unlikely place. In the world’s most dangerous country for Christians. In the country we watched collapse over mere hours on live TV.


You’re going to meet faithful heroes, of whom the world is not worthy (Heb. 11:38). You’ll agonize as God’s people pray for a miracle. You may even sense a call to bring the gospel to the unreached peoples of the world.

I’ve never been more excited for you to listen to a podcast from The Gospel Coalition.

When I began with TGC in 2010, I had two major goals. First, I wanted to adapt for the internet what Jonathan Edwards had commended for the first religious periodical in American history. Through The Christian History, Edwards believed that news of revival in one place would spread revival among readers in other places. Second, I wanted to draw together a whole multimedia experience for the same feature stories. I wanted you to read as you saw and heard. I wanted you to feel immersed in every sense the internet can convey.

It took 12 years. But thanks to the team of Sarah Zylstra, Josh Diaz, and Brannon McAllister, that dream has been realized in “Escape from Kabul,” the latest episode from our Recorded storytelling podcast.

Set aside an hour to listen. When you finish weeping, praise the God who is faithful to the end.

Vice President for Content and Editor in Chief

Editor’s Pick

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Escape from Kabul
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