
A Prayer in Praise of God’s Irrepressible Goodness

     May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus. Rom. 15:5

     May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hopeRom. 15:13

     May the God of peace be with you all. Amen. Rom. 15:33

Dear heavenly Father, your Word never ceases to astonish, nourish, and cause my heart to flourish. Today I’m reveling in the fact that you delight to be known, and I’m rejoicing in who you reveal yourself to be. In this one chapter alone (Romans 15,) out of nearly 1,200 in the Bible, you come to us this very day as…

     The God of endurance and encouragement: Father, you know how much I need both of these grace gifts. It’s been a busy stretch, of late—fruitful, but busy. Grant me fresh wisdom for living at the pace of grace. Once again, teach me the difference between living a driven life, and a called life. Grant me endurance to do exactly what you’ve called me to do, and encouragement to cut from my schedule the things that, may be good, but aren’t essential. Though sacrificial living and serving are always the way of the gospel, ignoring Sabbath rest, not taking care of ourselves, and living faster than we can love aren’t.

     The God of hope: Father, ours is an increasingly complex world—one that feels more uncertain and fragile than ever. I need a fresh and compelling vision of your finished story—one that will remind me that our labors in the Lord are never in vain. Quicken my senses with the sounds of the new heaven and new earth, the smells of that garden city, the beauty of what it’s going to be like when Jesus finishes making all things new. Indeed, Father, I want to overflow with hope, not just be a slow drip.

     The God of peace: Father, you are the consummate peacemaker—reconciling enemies and restoring broken things. I presently have peace with you, only because you’ve made your peace with us through the finished work of Jesus. May this profound and transforming assurance free me to live today as a conduit of your peace-making love and healing presence. So very Amen I pray, in Jesus’ matchless and merciful name.
