      And they shall be my people, and I will be their God. I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear me forever, for their own good and the good of their children after them. I will make with them an everlasting covenant, that I will not turn away from doing good to them. Jer. 32:38-40
     Gracious Father, like the rest of your Word, this extraordinary Scripture exposes the brokenness of my heart and the bounty of your mercies. Don’t stop, until the Day you bring to completion the good gospel work you’ve begun in us, and the whole cosmos. Show me my great need and the ten thousand-fold greater supply of your grace for me in Jesus.
     Father, I want all that you’ve promised through Jeremiah, including singleness of heart; for often my heart feels distracted, depleted and divided. It gets parceled out to lesser gods—too easily charmed by the empty promises and mirages of “something more” and “something other”. But you alone are worthy of my heart’s affection and adoration.
     Father, I want singleness of action—a passion to seek your kingdom first, the redemptive reign of your beloved Son, Jesus. Too many of my thoughts and too much of my energy gets spent on the fiefdom of me. Too easily, I want to give you a bit part in my story or personal peace and control, rather than finding my place in your story of redemption and restoration. Too often, I want you to be predictable and manageable.
     I want to fear you, Father, now that I’m no longer afraid of you. By the power of the gospel, you have eternally freed me from the fear of death and judgment; now grant me a greater awe and reverence of you, fueled by the riches of the gospel. Keep my heart astonished and filled with wonder in response to your great love and endless compassion for us in Jesus.
     Lastly, Father, please keep me convinced of your commitment to never stop doing good to me. Such a promise is simply overwhelming–almost too much to wrap my heart around. You’ve forgiven my unbelief; now free me from its nagging, nibbling presence. You are good, all the time; all the time, you are good. I do believe this, but I long to believe it more. So very Amen I pray, in Jesus’ glorious and grace-full name.
