A Prayer for Wrestling with the MAIN Question in Life
While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them a question, saying, “What do you think about the Christ?” Matt. 22:41-42
     Dear Lord Jesus, on this Wednesday of Holy Week, the question you directed to Pharisees, you still put before us. “What do you think about the Christ?” There’s no more important question on any table in any place at any time in any conversation in the history of the world. For what and how we think about you impacts everything in our lives.
     Jesus, continue to free us from every wrong notions we have about you—those generated in our fallen hearts; the ones that come to us from the father of lies, Satan; others which simply reveal the wrong and incomplete teaching we have received through the years; still others that show how imprisoned we still are to our unbelief.
     So what do I think about you today, Lord Jesus? What do I believe to be true of you in my heart? You are everlasting God, and I am a mere man. Throughout eternity, with the Father and Holy Spirit, you have enjoyed the passions and delights of life within the Trinity. I would despair if you were anything less than God, and I’m weary of trying to be more than a man.
     You are the Creator, Sustainer, and Restorer of all things—the things I can see, the things I don’t see and the things I cannot even imagine. You don’t just care about my soul; you care about everything you have made. You are making all things new, Lord Jesus, not all new things. Hallelujah! Your name is Redeemer!
     You are the second Adam—our substitute in life and in death. You lived a life of perfect obedience for us, and you exhausted God’s judgment that stood against us. By you, we have been completely forgiven, and in you, we have received your perfect righteousness. Staggering, astonishing, freeing!
     We are citizen-servants in your kingdom and your beloved bride in waiting. You are the reigning King and the returning Lord. One Day you will come back for us, and we will be made just as lovely and as loving as you. I believe, help my unbelief!
     I humbly stake my life and my death upon what you’ve done for us. Jesus, you are all of this and so very much more. Eternity will be an endless revelation of your glory and grace. Your beauty and bounty will confound us forever.
     But this Holy Week, what stuns me the most, is not the many glorious things I think about you; rather, it’s to realize you are always thinking about us, even about me. We are in your heart and on your mind all the time. You are always praying for us, Jesus, advocating for us before the Father.  You’re the One who knows us the best and loves us the most. With fresh gratitude and knee-buckling awe, we worship you. So very Amen we pray, in your gracious name and for your everlasting glory.
