
A Prayer Celebrating There’s not More Than the Gospel, Just More of It

Do not be led away by diverse and strange teachings, for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods, which have not benefited those devoted to them. We have an altar from which those who serve the tent have no right to eat. Heb. 13:9-10

Jesus, as I think about things for which I thankful this week, my heart bulges with gladness as I remember several things. I’ve never been more grateful for the family you’ve given me. We’re a broken and beloved bunch, but each one of us is in the journey of groaning and growing in grace. I also praise you for a handful of very good friends—a “gospel posse” with whom to share longings and laughter, and the bleakness and bounties of life. What value can be placed on having a little community of grace in which you don’t have to pose, pretend or perform?

But in particular this Thanksgiving week, I’m grateful for the ways that you continue to convince me that there’s nothing more than the gospel; there’s just more of the gospel. I’ve never been less committed to self-salvation (in many arenas of life), and more committed to you—the grace Meister, my mercy Master, the author and perfecter of my faith. But what a journey it’s been to come to this place of gospel…

Over the past four decades, you’ve been faithful to rescue me from all kinds of “strange teachings”—especially from gospels which are no gospel at all (Gal. 1:6-9). You’ve rescued me from the influence of grace-less legalism and obedience-less grace; from a politicized gospel and a sentimental gospel; from a gospel which privatizes knowing you and a gospel which compartmentalizes serving you; from a gospel which marginalizes the poor and a gospel which idolizes wealth.

Lord Jesus, as we move from Thanksgiving Day into the season of Advent, take us even deeper into the ocean of your mercies and the wonders of your love. Smite, stretch and strengthen our hearts with your grace. In many ways, through many means… continue to convince us there’s not more than the gospel, just more of the gospel. So very Amen we pray, in your peerless and powerful name.
