
A Prayer of Hope: We Will Be Overtaken by Gladness and Joy

Those the Lord has rescued will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away. “I, even I, am he who comforts you.Isa. 51:11-12

O gracious Lord and Savior, no words adequately express the peace and hope these promises bring me today. I was thirsty when I awoke this morning, and you have set me under a waterfall of grace. I was hungry, and you have provided a whole bread-store of gospel manna. You comfort us like no one and nothing else, Lord Jesus. I praise you, adore you and magnify the greatness of your name!

This words from Isaiah are my story—my heritage and hope. You have already ransomed, redeemed, and rescued me. You bought me out of sin, raised me from the dead and brought into your eternal embrace. Thankfully, I’m no longer my own. I’m yours, and you love me because you love me.

All captivities—the ones I’ve generated and those brought upon me by others—all of them are broken in you, Lord Jesus. No imprisonment, no bondage, no stronghold will keep me from arriving safely home in the New Jerusalem. You are my Jubilee; my eternal year of the Lord’s favor; my assurance of no condemnation—the one whose love drives my fears away, and whose hand will wipe my tears away.

And to think, this firm standing in grace we already enjoy is just a preview of coming attractions. We will enjoy these freedoms more fully when the new heaven and new earth arrives, but already we are completely and eternally accepted in you, Lord Jesus. The saints in heaven are more happy than we are, but they are not more secure. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! HALLELUJAH!

What will it be like when we’re finally and fully crowned with everlasting joy? What will it sound like when my voice blends in with your entire pan-national beloved Bride, as we enter the New Jerusalem together? I know what it feels like to be overtaken by guilt and shame, but what will it be like to be overtaken by gladness and joy—to watch all sorrow and sighing will flee away forever? Hasten that Day, Lord Jesus. It cannot come too soon. So very Amen I pray, in your tender and triumphant name.
