
A Prayer for Hearts Ruled by the Peace of Christ

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts… Colossians 3:15

Lord Jesus, in any season of life, or on any given day, some power, potentate or preoccupation will gain the functional rule of our hearts. It may be an actual person—someone we “love” too much, or someone to whom we’ve given too much power. It may be an emotion like fear, anxiety or anger. It may be an actual regime, like “the kingdom of darkness” (Col. 1:13), the conforming power of “this world” (Rom. 12:1-2) or the citadel of self. It may be an idol, lust or an agenda. The possibilities are as limitless as the brokenness of our world and the vanity of our imaginations.

But there’s only one worthy King and one lasting kingdom, and that is you, Lord Jesus, and the gospel of your kingdom. As this day begins, continues or ends, we pull up the white flag of surrender to you and the peace you alone can give. Rule in us, rule over us, rule through, O merciful and mighty Prince of Peace. We lay down our tokens of rebellion; we acknowledge our enslavements and entanglements; we grieve the ways we have resisted you, ignored you and disobeyed your gospel.

Individually, help each of us to set our hearts and minds on things above, where you are seated at the right hand of God, reigning over all things, and working in all things for our good and your glory. Jesus, may this be a day of focused worship, fresh gratitude, quick repentances and gospel humility. May your beauty and love triumph over every other claim to our heart’s affections.

Corporately, we long for the dominion of your peace to increase in our church families—in ways that will make the gospel believable and beautiful to our cities. Don’t let us confuse the absence of conflict with the presence of peace. And don’t let us assume the presence of conflict means the absence of your peace. Jesus, may your peace rule in our old wounds, our current crises and our everyday brokenness.

You tell us that peacemakers are blessed—that we are most like you, the Son of God, when we make peace, rather than fake it or break it. (Matt. 5:9). Jesus, help us, humble us, heal us. We know that you resist the proud—that you know the proud “from afar.” May the thought of you resisting us buckle our knees and find us prostrate before you. Save us from us, Lord Jesus. Without your love, we are nothing. Without your peace, there’s only chaos. Without your gospel, there is no hope. With palms up, in gratitude and surrender, we offer this prayer, in your strong and loving name.
