
A Prayer When Feeling Stressed and Out of Control

Has God’s unfailing love vanished forever? Has his promise failed for all time? Has God forgotten to be merciful? Has he in anger withheld his compassion?” Then I thought, “To this I will appeal: the years of the right hand of the Most High.” I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds. Psalm 77:8-12

Heavenly Father, we treasure the gift of this Psalm—this story-hymn revealing King David’s heart struggle at a time when he felt abandoned by you, and in doubt about your love and faithfulness. For if a man after your own heart—the king you chose to shepherd your people, experienced times of confusion, doubt and disconnect, why should we be surprised when we do?

Hallelujah, for a God who doesn’t ask us to pretend or just “suck-it-up”. Hallelujah, for a Father who understands the weakness of our frame and the confusion of our souls. Hallelujah, for a LORD who gladly welcomes our groans, cries and the full range of emotions we feel when circumstances seem to contradict things we’ve been taught about you—good things we see in your Word. There is no other god like you. You alone are good. You alone can be trusted with our anguish and anger. You alone are worthy of our worship.

Father, we hate feeling out of control. We are confused when our cries for advocacy and relief seem to be ignored or rejected. It’s so hard to watch people and situations spiral downward in a direction of more hurt and harm. We feel helpless. We feel stressed. We wonder why reasonable prayers go unanswered. It’s hard not to ask with David, “has God forgotten to be merciful? Is his love failing? Are his promises void?” We abandon ourselves to you this day, this hour, this moment.

We choose to remember and meditate upon your deeds, works and miracles of the past. We cannot deny your mercy and your might. We cannot charge you with being a God who doesn’t care or who doesn’t act on behalf of his people. For when we appeal to “the years of the right hand of the Most High”, we see much more than King David ever saw in his lifetime. We see King Jesus sitting at your right hand and we remember everything he has accomplished for us and everything he has become to us.

King Jesus, you are our wisdom, righteousness, holiness and redemption, for we have none in ourselves. You are our peace, for you are the Prince of Peace, who has reconciled us to God and are actively turning chaos into cosmos. You are our hope, for you have risen from the dead and are reigning over all things; working in all things for our good and your glory; orchestrating all things after the counsel of your will. You are our Savior, deliverer and refuge.

These things we choose to remember as we wait upon you. If you won’t change the things that are overwhelming and stressing us right now, please change us. Give us a peace which passes understanding… give us more of you, Lord Jesus. So very Amen we pray, in your kind and mighty name.
