
A Prayer for the Saturday before Palm Sunday

     Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.” John 11:43-44

     Dear Lord Jesus, until recently I never noticed the timing of your raising Lazarus from the dead. It was the very day before you entered Jerusalem to begin what we call “Passion Week”—your final days in this world. How fitting it is that you would raise Lazarus the day before Palm Sunday—the prelude to the resurrection of all resurrections, yours. Indeed, what a most glorious preview of coming attractions.

     But not long after you called out to a dead man, “Lazarus, come out!” you offered a much more passionate cry to your Father, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” The price of Lazarus’ resurrection, and ours, was your death as the second Adam—taking our place, our guilt, and our judgment.

     Lord Jesus, we humbly and gladly acknowledge, you were pierced for our transgressions, you were crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brings us peace was on you, and by your wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on you the iniquity of us all. (cf. Isa. 53:5-6)

     How we praise you for the tragic, necessary and glorious cross, Lord Jesus. For on your cross you were made sin for us that in you we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor. 5:21). We honor, worship and adore you. We bow down—we fall down convicted of our sins and convinced of the unsearchable riches of the gospel. We sing with our loud voices raised…

    “Oh, to see my name, written in the wounds, for through Your suffering I am free. Death is crushed to death; Life is mine to live, won through Your selfless love. This, the pow’r of the cross; Son of God—slain for us. What a love! What a cost! We stand forgiven at the cross.” (K Getty)

     As “Passion Week” begins, we ask you to fill these next seven days with much boasting in the cross. Grant us more freedom to worship you as you deserve to be worshipped, Lord Jesus, that we might serve you as you delight to be served.

     As your already beloved, just and raised-in-you Bride, please remove even more of our grave clothes and set us free. Set us free, Lord Jesus, set us free to live and to love to your glory. So very Amen, we pray, in your holy and loving name.
