
A Prayer about Belonging and Being Desired by Jesus

                           I belong to my lover and his desire is for me. Song of Songs 7:10

     Most holy and loving Jesus, the Song of Songs has never been one of the most underlined books in my Bible, but the more I look for you in all the Scriptures (Luke 24:25-27), the more I’m drawn to its startling, scintillating and sensual imagery. To read Song of Songs is to tap into our deepest longings for intimacy, playfulness, passion, and delight—of knowing and being known by you.

     Indeed, you are the great lover of whom this book speaks, and we are the beloved—the Bride upon whom you’ve set your deepest affections. We believe, help our unbelief. This isn’t the gospel most of us grew up with, but this is the gospel, and the implications are staggering and transforming.

     Jesus, to be desired by you is to be wanted, pursued, and enjoyed. It’s to be seen and accepted; cherished and nourished; forever remembered and unconditionally loved. O for power to know this love that surpasses knowledge.  

    Come, Holy Spirit, come, rescue us from our unbelief. De-throne our false notions of God and the corruptions of the gospel that plague and paralyze our hearts. Let us see that it’s one thing to rest in Jesus’ finished work for us but quite another thing to be alive to his present desire. Do a great and powerful work in our hearts, Holy Spirit.

    Jesus, forgive us for believing that any human being could possibly satisfy the very longings you created in us. Help all of us—the unmarried, the happily married, and the miserably married, to realize that you, Jesus, are the spouse we always wanted—the one to whom we belong.

     And more importantly, Jesus, help us to believe that you are the Spouse that always wanted us—so much that you gave your life for us on the cross.  Hallelujah, what a Savior! Hallelujah, what a salvation! So very Amen, we pray, in your glorious and grace-full name.
