
A Prayer About Sharp and Serious Disagreements

     Sometime later Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us go back and visit the brothers in all the towns where we preached the word of the Lord and see how they are doing.” Barnabas wanted to take John, also called Mark, with them, but Paul did not think it wise to take him, because he had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not continued with them in the work. They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus, but Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord. He went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches. Acts 15:36-41

     Gracious Jesus, there are times when your faithful servants don’t see eye to eye on very important matters.  Our best efforts at keeping “the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” get stressed and tested (Eph 4:3). Differing perspectives lead to sharp disagreements, and sharp disagreements can lead to the parting of ways. This happens in healthy marriages… among good friends… on the mission field… in local churches… and in seminary board rooms.

     This morning I’m bringing three current expressions of this very scenario before your throne of grace. My heart’s heavy, but not as heavy as it would be if I didn’t believe you to be the Prince of Peace… if I didn’t believe in the power of the gospel… if I didn’t believe that your name is Redeemer and Restorer.

     Jesus, I’m so thankful for the record of this painful exchange between godly friends, all committed to the ministry of the gospel. If Paul and Barnabas couldn’t see eye to eye, there will be times when we will see things entirely differently as well. But how we handle these painful situations is at least as important as the issues that divide us. Here’s my prayer for friends in the throes of turmoil.

     Lord Jesus…may seeking first your kingdom and your righteousness far outweigh any other seeking—seeking to win… seeking to be right… seeking to avoid pain… seeking to get our own way. It’s your glory and story that matter the most, Jesus, not ours.

     Help us to recognize and resist the scheme’s of Satan in these conflicts. That pariah of darkness lurks, launches and lunches on these very situations. Help my friends keep the main issues in view and not get drawn into biting and devouring one another (Galatians 4:13-15).

     May friends who see the issues so differently still honor one another as family and beloved servants of Jesus. The world will know that we are your disciples by the way we love one another, Jesus (John 13:34). It’s easy when it’s easy, but in conflicts this commandment gets sorely tested.

     Jesus, in each of these painful situations… grant wisdom from above… good listening… quick repentances… patience and forbearance… mercy and grace… even quicker repentances… and a surrender to your sovereign purposes.

     Even as you redeemed the painful story between Paul and Barnabas, (2 Timothy 4:1), so bring redemption in each of these three stress-full stories. So very Amen, I pray, in your Name that is above every name.
