
A Prayer About the Generosity of the Trinity

     May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14

     Most wonderful and merciful, Triune God, I am finally quite at home in my finiteness and comfortably accepting of the limitations of my creature-liness. I’ve never been more appreciative of mystery and I’ve long since gotten over the illusion, make that delusion of a manageable deity.

     My need isn’t to exhaustively understand the revelation of you as Trinity. But my unparalleled privilege is to humbly submit to your measureless generosity as a Triune God. So I gladly receive the apostle Paul’s benediction as your invitation, make that calling to me, to glorify you and enjoy your forever, including today.

     Dear Lord Jesus, what more could I possibly desire for myself, and for all of my brothers and sisters in the faith, than for your grace to be with us today? It was by your grace I first received eternal life. It is by your grace I am being transformed to be like you. And it will be by your grace one Day I will enjoy the perfections of life in the new heaven and new earth with your beloved pan-national Bride. How I praise you for your saving, savory and sufficient grace.

     Dear heavenly Father, what more could I possibly need today than the assurance and supply of your love? You’ve promised us, as your people, that we will never again be separated from your lavish affection, by anything. Because of the work of Jesus, you will never love me more than you do today and you will never love me less. This is my bold affirmation… make it my undoubted celebration.

     Dear Holy Spirit, what more could I possibly long for today than fellowship with you? For to enjoy fellowship with you is to enter in to the rich life, communion, and joy of the whole Godhead. I no more presume on such an honor and feast, apart from your work, that I presume I have the ability to create a whole new universe.

     Indeed… may your grace, Jesus… your love, Father… and your fellowship, Holy Spirit, be with us all day long. So very Amen, I pray, in Jesus’ trustworthy and triumphant name.
