
A Prayer About the Gospel & Law-Loving

      The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes. The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb. Psalm 19:7-10

     Dear heavenly Father, apart from the gospel, there’s no way I would be able to join King David in singing this robust praise-song about loving your law. Indeed, if Jesus hadn’t offered his law-keeping as my own, and if he hadn’t taken my law-breaking as his own, I would not be singing, I would be despairing.

     For apart from the gospel, the law didn’t revive me, it condemned me. Apart from the gospel, it didn’t give joy to my heart, it brought terror to my soul. Apart from the gospel, the law wasn’t like the sunshine lighting my way, it was like a searchlight exposing my sin.

     The law didn’t lead me to fear you with an affectionate reverence, but to be afraid of you with a guilty conscience. Apart from the gospel, I didn’t value the law like precious gold, I avoided it like a deadly plague. It wasn’t sweeter than honey from the comb, but more bitter than zest from a lemon.

     O, but Father, when the law drove me to Jesus—when you gave me faith to trust Jesus as my forgiveness and my righteousness, everything began to change. I’m now learning to love your law… as Fatherly instruction to his beloved children—as a revelation of the good, the true and the beautiful, NOT as a formula for merit, acceptance and favor. What a difference… what a life-giving liberty-fueling difference!

     Father, may the gospel continue to free me from “cheap-gracewhich ignores your law, and from grace-less legalism which ignores your Son. I want to continue growing in the obedience of faith and love… until the Day when Jesus, who has perfectly fulfilled the law for me, perfectly fulfills the law in me. So very Amen, I pray, in His holy and loving name.
