
A Prayer About Bringing Our Broken Friends to Jesus

Some men came, bringing to him a paralytic, carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus and, after digging through it, lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Mark 2:3-5
Dear Lord Jesus, today I’m thinking about our friends and family members who live with significant chronic brokenness-those with mental and emotional illnesses in particular. I want to bring both the sufferers and the caregivers before your ever-occupied throne of grace.
First of all, Jesus, I cry out to you on behalf of the sufferers-those men and women whose capacity to think and feel bear the marks of great disconnect and duress. My heart breaks for the dear people in our lives who live with vacillating degrees of paralyzing depression… others who live in the angry void of any sense of hope… others whose self-contempt moves them to thoughts of harming themselves, or others… others who have lived for years unable to grieve great losses or betrayals… others who have no way of reconciling experiences of hard providences with thoughts of a loving and caring God.
Jesus, all I know to do is carry these dear ones to you in prayer, much like those who brought their paralyzed friend to you on a pallet. I know you are merciful and I know you are mighty. I also know that only you REALLY knows what is going on inside of them. In this broken, fallen world it’s not always easy for us to discern when mental and emotional brokenness is physiological, psychological, demonic or otherwise induced. Give us what we need to love and to serve these broken ones well.
When we are fearful… when we are confused… when we are fed up or used up… give us all the faith, compassion, strength and wisdom we need to love these who suffer so deeply. Jesus, in stories like this I so wish there was such a thing as miracles-on-demand. Indeed, give us faith to trust you for supernatural intervention and grace for supernatural long-term caring. Write the stories that will maximize your glory.
How we long for the Day when every form of brokenness will give way to the endless joys of spiritual, physical, mental and emotional health. Jesus, in light of that Day, we will seek to live in this day doing all things to your glory, with the resources of your heart and gospel. So very Amen, I pray, in your holy and healing name.
