
A Prayer About Wholly Holy

A Prayer About Wholly Holy
May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23
Most grace-full Father, it’s a source of immeasurable comfort to know that you are tenaciously and tenderly at work in changing me-in making me more like Jesus. For you have promised to bring to completion the good work you have begun in me. I would surely despair if this were not the case, for the disparity between Jesus’ beauty and who I know myself is at times overwhelming. The thoughts I think, the things I feel, the choices I make… I could never be my own savior, and only a great Savior like Jesus is sufficient for someone like me.
How I praise you that it’s as the God of peace you are making me wholly holy-changing me through and through… freeing every part of my being-spirit, soul and body-from the effects and affects of sin. You’re not anxious about the process. You’re at peace, even when I’m not. You don’t role your eyes, furrow your brow, clear your throat, or show any signs of a nervous twitch when you think about me. Indeed, oh kind Father, you rest in your love towards me in Jesus.
I will be wholly blameless and shameless at your second coming, Lord Jesus, only because you took my blame upon the cross and despised its shame for me. Even now, my life is hidden safely in you, and when you do return, I will appear with you in glory, for you are my life-my righteousness, holiness and redemption (Col.3:4; 1 Cor. 1:31). I boast in you, for I have nothing in myself in which to boast. My hope is built on nothing less, nothing more and nothing other than your blood and righteousness, Lord Jesus!
So I will actively trust in the passive righteousness I have received in you, Jesus. And I will actively surrender to the very active ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whom I’m sealed, with whom I’m indwelt and through whom I will safely delivered into your presence, wholly holy. So very Amen, I pray, in your name, with gratitude and peace.
