A Prayer About Annoyance
A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult. Proverbs 12:16
Jesus, of all the prayer-worthy things I can think of, “annoyance” has never made it onto my supplication list… until now. Though the pastoral pestering of your Spirit, I see and grieve that I’m too easily annoyed. Have mercy on me, Prince of Peace. Free my foolish fretful fitful heart. How can I possibly build bridges for sharing the gospel when I have an annoyed spirit?
I’m annoyed by the guy that races me when two lanes are becoming one. I’m annoyed by slow bar-code reading automated check-out machines. I’m annoyed when the gas pump trickles way too slowly. I’m annoyed by waiters that fish for a bigger tip. I’m annoyed by humidity when I want to jog.
I’m annoyed by low talkers and loud talkers. I’m annoyed at people easily annoyed. I’m annoyed when there’s not enough milk for a late night bowl of cereal. I’m annoyed when I have to repeat myself. I’m annoyed at whiners, so much that I start whining. I’m annoyed at people preening in front of mirrors at the YMCA, as though I never peak.
I’m annoyed at ever having to wait in line for anything. I’m annoyed by the color “orange.” I’m annoyed at any box that has the words written on it, “requires some assembly.” Oh, Jesus, if only those were the only things that annoyed me…
My prayer? Gentle my heart with your kindness and grace. Grant me much quicker repentances. Help me to slow… way… down. Help me to live in the moment and not simply live to get somewhere on time or get something done. Let me see people with your eyes and respond to them with your heart. There are no ordinary people around me. Everybody matters. Everybody has stories of heartache, foolishness, fear, and longing, just like me. Jesus, thank you that you died for all of my sins, including my annoyability. I love being loved by you. I have no greater hope than knowing one day I will love like you love. Amen
