
As I was shutting things down for a while (see next post), an email arrived from Julian Hardyman, a dear friend and the senior pastor of Eden Baptist Church, Cambridge, with this lovely witness to the truth of the gospel:

“He who believes the truth enters on the enjoyment of a happiness which is of the same nature and springs from the same sources as the happiness of God. Jehovah rests and rejoices in the manifestation made of His all-perfect character in the person and work of Jesus Christ; and he who believes enters into this rest and participates of this joy.”

John Brown, Hebrews, page 210.

I am finding in this staggering truth — that the universe is one continuous explosion of the glorious happiness of God and that, through union with Christ, I have been included on the inside of this mega-miracle forever — I am finding in this staggering truth a source of personal encouragement deeper than I have known before. Life is such a privilege.

Thank you, Julian.
