
Starting tomorrow I’ll post a three-part, overly long review of Brian McLaren’s new book, A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Question That Are Transforming the Faith. I thought a lot about whether I should write any kind of critique. It seems that the curious have already made up their minds about McLaren. So I’m not sure I will be saying anything new to those who agree with me, and I’m almost positive I won’t convince anyone who disagrees with me. Besides, the emergent movement ain’t exactly the hottest thing since sliced bread anymore. So why bother with a critique?

1. Even though emergent has fizzled, people still seem to be reading McLaren. The Amazon ranking for A New Kind of Christian has been under 1000 since its release.

2. For some baffling reason, evangelicals still pay attention to McLaren like he speaks from within the movement. Case in point: Christianity Today is running a piece on him in their next issue. (I’m praying the article shows discernment.)

3. This new book is easily the clearest presentation of McLaren’s theology to date. A clear response from someone seems appropriate.

4. Given my previous books it makes sense that I might be one of the someones to offer a response. I don’t relish the idea of writing a major critique of another person’s views, nor do I relish the time it takes to do so. I enjoy almost every aspect of ministry more than I enjoy these sorts of polemics. They keep me up at nights. But they are necessary at times. And this seems like one of those times.
