
An Interview with Gordon Wenham on the Role of the Psalms in the Life of the Church

Ligon Duncan once wrote that the problem in the church is not “exclusive psalmody” (though he himself doesn’t hold to the view that we should only sing psalms in our congregational praise), but the problem is that not enough of us are practicing “inclusive psalmody (rediscovering and including the psalms, along with Scripturally sound hymns, in evangelical Christian public worship).

Crossway has just published The Psalter Reclaimed: Praying and Praising with the Psalms by acclaimed Old Testament scholar Gordon Wenham. This book is a collection of lectures and essays by Dr. Wenham on interpreting and applying the Psalter as a divine hymnbook for worship and direction.

Tony Reinke recently did an audio interview with Dr. Wenham about the book, and you can listen to it here.
