
John Mark Reynolds, founder of a Great Books program and editor of The Great Books Reader, writes at TGC on 10 classics of western lit that shaped his life:

Here are 10 books that began the rebirth in my own soul of something better. Eccentric though such a list must be it at least has the benefit of actually having helped one person and I have some hope that where it helped one it may help another.

I have limited myself to one sentence to say why I read them. It is so little to say that nobody will be tempted to think I have captured the essence of any of these books. I have also eliminated works Christians are likely to know to read. If you have not read the entire Institutes or Augustine’s Confessions, you are not a literate Christian whatever your piety, and you already understand this fact.

Instead, I hope to motivate you to begin, just begin, to participate in a great conversation about these ideas that will last, I trust, for all eternity.

You can read the list here.
